
All playgroups are supervised by training staff to make sure play is appropriate. We will also talk to you about body language, play styles, and when to take breaks. Depending on the group, we may incorporate some simple training exercises or play/relaxation breaks. All dogs must be up to date on vaccinations to join.

Puppy Playgroups

Puppyplaygroups are designed to help puppies during their critical socialization period learn to interact with other puppies, people, objects, and new experiences. For puppies under 5 months with at least one round of vaccinations one week prior to play. Link to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior's position statement on puppy socialization.

Adult Dog Playgroups

Small dog playgroups are for pups 25 lbs and under to enjoy a safe, supervised play space. Medium/large groups are based on play style. Playgroups are great opportunities to learn more about body language and play styles. We will also incorporate simple training exercises into play. Interested in joining us for medium/large playgroups? Please fill out this form so we can do some playgroup matchmaking!